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Natural Food
Natural Food
For a healthy body, consciousness & Environment
For a healthy body, consciousness & Environment
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What is Man’s Natural Food?

Have we ever wondered why we eat what we eat? For, what can be more important than understanding what happens when we put food inside our bodies three or more times a day! Over many centuries, humans have evolved to eat food that has aided their survival. From that stage, we have now altered our food that is focused purely on eating for taste, by mixing, matching and cooking endless food combinations. 

That, however, is not the true objective of eating. Food is meant for running the body, growth, repair and maintenance of the body with right nutrition absorption and utilization. All four animal species (carnivore, omnivore, herbivore and frugivore), consume food they are naturally designed to eat, directly from nature. Humans, though Frugivore by nature, have evolved to make and consume food that is altogether different than what is meant for their natural physiology, body structure and digestive system. This is the primary cause of most health ailments that humans suffer from. 

Various forms of cooking/ denaturing, processed fast foods, use of toxic chemicals for producing, ripening, storing and preserving food, extensively deplete the food of its nutrient value and cause more harm that we can imagine. The consumption of dead bodies of animals, that are grown in farms and injected with antibiotics and chemicals, causes serious health hazards in humans.

Animal based foods such as dairy products that have excess fibreless casein protein that is indigestible for the human body, causes the leeching of calcium from bones and contributes to many degenerative diseases like arthritis, varicose veins, spider veins and weak bones. A majority of health issues in humans, including life-threatening diseases like cancer, lifestyle diseases like thyroid, diabetes, BP are one of the by-products of the acid / mucous forming food we consume.

“In nature, no animals drink milk of other species and never beyond infancy except for humans.”

“In nature no other species cooks its food to denature it.”

It is time we moved away from ingesting unnatural food not meant for humans, towards eating real nutritious food that is natural for our species, organic, seasonal, and local. This will help us live a life of true abundance, of living with more positivity and longevity, true health and happiness. 

CONTACT US to learn more about regaining health through Natural Foods.