The detoxification process completely varies for individuals from varied backgrounds, history and symptoms. It is a uniquely designed diet, split into three phases – Transition Diet, Detox Diet, and Sustenance Diet; while the natural, non-diet aspect remains the same across, as advised to the individual in phase one.
Before developing and suggesting a customized detoxification plan, a detailed assessment of the individual is done based on her entire history, food habits, lifestyle, medical history, disease/ treatment history, and symptoms. The speed and duration of detoxification process is completely personalized and based on the person’s underlying health issues. The individual will not only be provided detailed guidance on the changes and transition process, but will also be counselled on how to implement these changes, while involving their family, as required, to make the implementation smoother.
The individual’s discipline and will power is at the centre of the success of natural healing through the complete detoxification process.